A capacity building programme was organized by Dr. Blessing to empower teenagers for self-awareness and self-management in order to fast-track self-development and competence in life and academic/career pursuit.
Dr. Blessing says, "life is a seed, whatever you put in, that you will get". Every man has got a level of abilities and talents naturally embedded in him (or her) by God. Notwithstanding, those talents need fine-tuning, those skills need sharpening, those abilities need enhancement. A raw cassava makes no dietary sense until it is processed into whatever product the user desires - farina, flour, starch or tapioca. As a matter of fact, the raw state is poisonous, consumption prior to processing can be life threatening.
Before one can talk about enhancing capacity or acquiring a skill, the first step is to discover what he has natural ability or flare for; he needs to discover himself, what his strengths and weaknesses are and what he has passion for. It is expedient. The reason why a lot of people are not productive is simply because, they engage in activities - jobs and businesses they have no passion for, they only try to survive, earn a living and manage whatever they could lay their hands - this is not the best. Young people need to start on time to chart their course with their purpose road maps in place. They need to know on time what they want to be in life and get adequate guidance. The moment one discovers his purpose and flare in life, he heads on developing himself to be competitive and stand very relevant in his time. He needs to occupy his rightful niche in this world, bring about change and make a huge difference standing out because his is aware of who he is. Self-awareness is quite an indispensable aspect of capacity building, it seems the first rung on the ladder of life.
Life is all about relationships - vertical or horizontal, which ever way, a CEO can not operate effectively without a secretary who in turn needs a messenger or other administrative staff. Personality differences impact job performances, passion at work, innovative/creative abilities, team building and patriotic commitment to service (especially when political). Developing oneself includes, strengthening one's weaknesses and building on one's strengths. Adjusting these personality traits positively, fine-tunes one's behaviour and attitude to life for better and effective relationships and performances (even team performance). The young people need to be aware of these components of successful living and career accomplishment.
Dr. Blessing says, "life is a seed, whatever you put in, that you will get". Every man has got a level of abilities and talents naturally embedded in him (or her) by God. Notwithstanding, those talents need fine-tuning, those skills need sharpening, those abilities need enhancement. A raw cassava makes no dietary sense until it is processed into whatever product the user desires - farina, flour, starch or tapioca. As a matter of fact, the raw state is poisonous, consumption prior to processing can be life threatening.
Before one can talk about enhancing capacity or acquiring a skill, the first step is to discover what he has natural ability or flare for; he needs to discover himself, what his strengths and weaknesses are and what he has passion for. It is expedient. The reason why a lot of people are not productive is simply because, they engage in activities - jobs and businesses they have no passion for, they only try to survive, earn a living and manage whatever they could lay their hands - this is not the best. Young people need to start on time to chart their course with their purpose road maps in place. They need to know on time what they want to be in life and get adequate guidance. The moment one discovers his purpose and flare in life, he heads on developing himself to be competitive and stand very relevant in his time. He needs to occupy his rightful niche in this world, bring about change and make a huge difference standing out because his is aware of who he is. Self-awareness is quite an indispensable aspect of capacity building, it seems the first rung on the ladder of life.
Life is all about relationships - vertical or horizontal, which ever way, a CEO can not operate effectively without a secretary who in turn needs a messenger or other administrative staff. Personality differences impact job performances, passion at work, innovative/creative abilities, team building and patriotic commitment to service (especially when political). Developing oneself includes, strengthening one's weaknesses and building on one's strengths. Adjusting these personality traits positively, fine-tunes one's behaviour and attitude to life for better and effective relationships and performances (even team performance). The young people need to be aware of these components of successful living and career accomplishment.