Monday, 29 June 2015

FOREWORD of the handbook

We have a situation especially in Africa where young ones and even adults move through life with unfulfilled dreams, ambitions, lack of fulfillment and satisfaction with their jobs. This can be as a result of lack of mentorship informal or formal. Well defined achievements can only come from and through mentoring.
This book brings out mentoring as it truly is; an age-long phenomenon that can be informal or formal. The author brings out the importance of continued well sustained mentorship from home to school to office place and in all spheres of life. Proper mentoring results in success no matter the situation or circumstance of the society. This is very important for us as a nation when we are talking of change.
The book is a wake-up call for Africans to re-visit her culture of a junior/younger looking up to a senior/older for directions and instructions. The book advocates that this should be tailored formally and incorporated into our educational system. The gap existing in the lives of many young graduates can be bridged through proper mentoring instead of their just passing through the university and getting a degree.
The African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) has taken up this challenge by carrying out organizational mentorship for her Fellows. This has yielded immense benefits to female scientists and Africa in general. Mentoring is richer, more fulfilling and encompassing than just teaching. It is a rewarding experience for both mentee and mentor. This book reveals mentoring strategies and tools that can be practiced by anybody. It also provides case studies with exercises for practical purposes.
The author stresses the “train-the-trainer” approach and even the setting up of mentoring clubs. All these will result in a flowing stream of mentoring with its attendant positive results. She further pointed out the importance of mentoring even in socio-economic development, moral and character development.
This book is encompassing and covering even the attributes of a mentor and mentee. It is a must read by prospective mentors and mentees.

                       Aduabobo Ibitoru Hart (AWARD Mentor)
                       Professor of Benthic Ecology
                       Dept. of Animal & Environmental Biology,
                       University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

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